The Flip-Flop Shop is in the Chessman Gallery/Lincoln City Cultural Center in Lincoln City, Oregon. The show is from April 3rd - 30th with the Opening Reception on Saturday April 24th from 2-4pm. Beach Found Footwear will be available for purchase during this show, $3 a pair.
As of March 30, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop contains:
17 matched/mismatched pairs + 21 stray/lone lefts.
As of March 31, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop contains:
20 matched/mismatched pairs + 20 stray lefts + 1 lone right.
As of April 2, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop contains:
24 matched/mismatched pairs + 21 stray lefts + 2 lone rights.
As of April 23, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop contains:
29 matched/mismatched pairs + 33 stray lefts + 13 lone rights.
As of April 24, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop contains:
34 matched/mismatched pairs + 26 stray lefts + 6 lone rights. (1 pair sold)
As of July 4, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop goes mobile and the record of sales continues:
As of July 26, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop (now mobile) contains:
23 matched/mismatched pairs + 26 stray lefts + 6 lone rights. (11 pairs sold)

Lone lefts in the Flip-Flop Shop

Lone rights in the Flip-Flop Shop

Drawn map on the wall of the Oregon coastline and the number of flip-flops that were picked up on one day, March 20th, 2010, of the SOLV beach cleanup efforts.

Pair number 1 to number 24 in the Flip-Flop Shop:


New additions to inventory on April 24th, 2010:
Pair number 25 to number 34 in the Flip-Flop Shop:
