Cleaning and painting a rescued-from-the-dump bike trailer:

The revamp takes place with found trailer, found paint, and found material (grill cover found in the trash) for banners/signs.

Finished Mobile Flip-Flop Shop July 2, 2010.

It disassembles and packs up small, ready for a trip south down the coast to Yachats, Oregon to meet the public.

Debut of the Mobile Flip-Flop Shop in Yachats, Oregon on July 4, 2010.

Ten pairs of flip-flops sold at the Mobile Flip-Flop Shop debut as well as some great conversations, glances and stories!

As of July 4, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop goes mobile and the record of sales continues:
As of July 26, 2010 the Flip-Flop Shop (now mobile) contains:
23 matched/mismatched pairs + 26 stray lefts + 6 lone rights. (11 pairs sold)
Mobile Flip-Flop Shop goes to Portland
City Repair's Reware Market at the SEA Change Gallery
July 25, 2010

SEA Change Gallery
at 625 NW Everett Street in Portland, Oregon

Mobile Flip-Flop Shop goes to Newport, Oregon
for the bi-annual SOLV Beach Clean-Up
September 25, 2010
and the Nye Beach Ocean Festival and Parade

As the Nye Beach Ocean Festival Parade winds down some of us stop to watch the dragonfly migration that is happening south down the coast. Lots of them! The Variegated Meadowhawk dragonflies have a parade of their own!