I was walking to a meeting in Lincoln City. I chose to walk the beach for part of the way. Here is my stash of found items - trash and 5 flip-flops.
I asked beachwalking friends to save flops for me too. I also put a call out via Freecycle. Thank you sweet folks for going through the trouble of collecting and then finding creative ways to get them to me.

Flip-Flops I have found in my wanderings:

D River Beach in Lincoln City, Oregon
My current favorite place to pick up trash is the D River Beach in Lincoln City, Oregon. That stretch of river/beach including under Kyllo's Restaurant is the most fun and at the same time most disgusting place to gather trash because of the volume of garbage I see every time I explore this area.

Astoria, Oregon at the mouth of the Columbia River

Flip-Flops collected by a neighbor (thank you) and waiting for me at their house.